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UK Guide to Agents, Sellers and their Solicitors in using the clicktopurchase Concept

Designed to provide ease, speed, transparency and certainty for Buyers and Sellers.

General Set Up

The Clicktopurchase Concept may be set up for a property within the administration area, where the selling agent can select various options:

• Specific wording for the clicktopurchase panel instead of the default;
• Which action buttons may be available for viewers;
• Bid deadlines or none if preferred.

Legal Documents

  1. The Legal Documents

Our sales platform provides the flexibility to choose your preferred dataroom application. Simply drop the share link for your chosen application into the platform:

At Singer Vielle our chosen application is Docsend.

The seller’s solicitor is able to access the default legal contract easily. The contract suite is completed by providing Special Conditions of Sale – please find here Special Conditions of Sale Template in Word form for your ease.

The legal package should be supplied with an Index and documentation numbered in accordance with the Index.

  1. The Memorandum of Sale

Our sales platform provides the flexibility to choose your preferred execution application. Simply drop the share link for your chosen application into the platform.

At Singer Vielle, our chosen application is Pandadoc.


You will receive email notification when a Bidder has completed the verification form.

As part of the verification process, we request that the Buyer’s Solicitor completes the Money Laundering Certificate and returns to the selling agent.

Once a Bidder has been verified, enter their email address within the Clicktopurchase Concept area and that party will be able to submit a legal offer.

Accepting an Offer

Once the Bidder has completed and signed the Memorandum of Sale, the selling agent will receive an email from Pandadoc. The agent can then log into Pandadoc and review the offer and report it to the Seller, if the Seller would like to accept the offer the agent can log into Pandadoc and sign the Memorandum of Sale. Pandadoc will email the signed Memorandum of Sale in PDF to the Bidder and Agent.

Once an offer is accepted, the selling agent or seller’s solicitor should make contact with the buyer and their solicitor to organise transfer of the deposit.

You are under no obligation to accept an online clicktopurchase® offer. Should you choose to do so, an instant binding online exchange of contracts occurs.

Initial Depost Option

clicktopurchase® provides the option to ask a particular Buyer to pay an “Initial Deposit” before being cleared to submit an offer. This is a payment to demonstrate commitment, if you feel appropriate, and will count towards the purchase price should the Buyer be successful, or be returned in the event that the property is sold to another party.

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