
How we build our own technology

Renowned as being the first property investment agency group to embrace the power of technology, our success is derived from the unique knowledge gained over 15 years in the areas of technology, property and law.

Dedicated teams architecturally design, project manage and implement technical solutions. This has enabled us to develop our proprietary software and copyrights – we have achieved this as a property agency network.

Our deep involvement with technology for many years has allowed us to gain knowledge in areas of software development, hosting, digital signatures, blockchain technology, emailers, social media behaviour, analytics, design, user experience, PKI technology, copyrighting and licensing.

We use clicktopurchase® to provide our clients with a superior property sales service.  It is an agent-operated transactional platform for buying and selling property online. It provides the facility for a legally binding clicktopurchase® exchange of contracts (Digitally Signed) to be conducted electronically as part of the property sales process. If an agent chooses, these clicktopurchase® offers can be concluded by online binding “Best Offers”.

clicktopurchase® provides high level online security, using digitial encryption to create tamper-proof electronic documentation and audit trails.

Variations of clicktopurchase® are provided to meet the legal requirements of the country where the network partner is operating to suit the local property sales service.

Blockchain Introduction

SV International has been a pioneering user of the clicktopurchase® platform since its launch.  We have experienced the speed, ease, transparency and accountability the platform has brought to the property sales transaction process.


Blockchain technology provides a significant addition to clicktopurchase® with all transactions and actions now being recorded in an immutable ledger.


It is widely reported that Blockchain technology is likely to have a greater impact on our lives and business than the rise of the Internet. We recognised the power of the technology early and have been world first in using Blockchain technology as part of the property sales process.


Those involved with clicktopurchase® transactions will be able to find their recorded transactions by searching using their digital wallet identities. For a list of recorded transactions, see our ledger at clicktopurchase® Blockchain

Client Dashboard

The SV International Client Dashboard enables all network partners to offer the ultimate in property marketing transparency for clients when selling residential or commercial property. When our partners are selling your property, you will have access to real time activity reports so you can see exactly the interest generated by our property marketing.


Selling clients no longer need to ask for an update. This is available at a click so when selling you have exact knowledge of the market reaction to your residential or commercial property.


Your online report includes website analytics, maps showing the reach of email marketing campaigns and Schedules of Interest in real time.

Data and Integration

The SV International property marketing platforms and the clicktopurchase® property execution platform provide tools to analyse and manage data collected from our online activities. These tools provide valuable property data for our agents and their clients. Understanding and interpreting this property data is part of our unique knowledge base which can be offered to clients in delivering a superior service unavailable from other property sales agencies.


Our agency teams are trained how to maximise the use of the unique level of data collection as well as the best methods of integrating with third-party suitable software, for example Microsoft Teams, Hubspot, Google Analytics, Trello, etc. We are not shy to integrate high-value applications which complement the SV International platforms.

The property data we collect includes:

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